
Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Case & Decision of Supreme Court.

Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. According to historians, this temple belongs to the eighth century. But the structure of the present temple is of the 18th century, which was built by the then Maharaja Marthanda Varma of Travancore.  The architecture of Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is Chera style, Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is one of the 108 sacred temples associated with Vaishnava tradition in India. Whose main deity is Lord Shri Vishnu. CASE:  In 2007, Uttar Dum Thirunal Martand Verma claimed that the treasury of the temple was the property of the erstwhile royal family of the princely state of Travancore. Many cases were filed in the lower courts of Kerala, objecting to this claim. The claims were dismissed in the lower courts, due to which the case reached the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court gave its verdict as per the Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious Institutions Act 1950.  Supreme Court's decision: • Even a...

Five Year Plan (Panchvarshiya Yojana)

First five year p lan ( 1951 to 56)   Model: Harrod domar model  Theme: development of agriculture and irrigation Dam construction under five year plan: Bhakra Nangal Dam Hirakud Dam damodara Valley Dam  Community development programme started in 1952  5 new IIT's establishment.  Sindri fertilizer factory established in Jharkhand  Target growth rate was 2.1 % and achieved 3.6 %  Second five year plan (1956 to 61)   Model: Prashant Chandra mahalanobis  Theme: establishment of heavy and manufacturing industries  3 new Steel Plant established in the period   of second five year plan First Durgapur Steel Plant with the hel p of Britain  Second Rourkela Steel Plant with the help of Germany  Third Bhilai Steel Plant with the help of Russia  Integral Coach Factory established at koyambatoor diesel locomotive works established in Chitranjan West Bengal  Target  Growth rate was 4.5 % and achieved 4.2 %  Third fi...

COVAXIN: India's first indigenous covid-19 (corona) Vaccine.

image credit : Bharat Biotech Web.   Covaxin is a India's first indigenous Covid-19 Vaccine.  Bharat Biotech India Limited (BBIL) have get the permission for Clinical trials phase 2nd and 3rd by Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO).  This vaccine has been prepared at BSL-3 (Bio Safety Level-3) of Bharat Biotech in Hyderabad with the help of National Institute of Virology (NIV) of ICMR.   NIV sent a strain of Covid-19 virus obtained from Asymptomatic patient to BBIL in May 2020.  Company used the virus for development of inactivated vaccine.  (Inactivated Vaccine : A vaccine which is prepared by dead virus usage)  After Development of Covaxin, company started its pre-clinical trails on Rats & Guinea Pigs.  Pre-clinical trail has been submitted successfully and now company get the permission for Clinical Trials phase 2nd and 3rd.  Government expected that, Covaxin may be come before Independence Day 2020 (15 August 2020). Rec...

RSMSSB; Rajasthan Junior Engineers, Exam Date, Syllabus & Strategy of Preparation

Recently, RSMSSB has declared the syllabus of Rajasthan Junior Engineer Examinations. Now we'll know about examination date, syllabus and strategies of preparation. RSMSSB issued a short notifications about Raj. Jen. at 13 February 2020. Online Application begin to 04 March 2020 and last date for apply online was 02 April 2020. But due to Covid-19 pandemic crisis, RSMSSB issued a notification regarding to reopening of applications form (24 June 2020 to 08 July 2020). RSMSSB Vacancy Details  Exam Date RSMSSB issued Examination calendar of 2020-21 at 26 June 2020. In this calendar you can see that RSMSSB junior engineer examinations may be held at 5December 2020 to 17 January 2021. Exam Syllabus  RSMSSB has issued Syllabus of Rajasthan Junior Engineer Examinations at 02 June 2020. Non technical syllabus are same for both Degree students as well as Diploma Students.  Technical syllabus are as per students engineering stream.  Preparation Strategy If you want to crack RS...

YUKTI 2.0 (Young India Combating COVID with Knowledge, Technology and innovation)

Recently, YUKTI 2.0 (Young India Combating COVID with Knowledge, Technology and innovation) Portal, launched by Ministry of Human Resource Development ( MHRD ).  YUKTI 2.0 is an initiative of MHRD.  YUKTI 2.0 was launched through Video Conferencing.  YUKTI 2.0 was  launched for identifying ideas relevant in Covid-19 pandemic.  YUKTI 2.0 portal will help students, teachers and researchers in higher educational institutions to work in the field of technology and innovation. The objective of this initiative is to systematically bring together information related to technologies and startups equipped with commercial capabilities. This initiative will prove to be effective for Self-reliant India Scheme.  YUKTI 2.0 will be offered as Marketplace, where Researchers can meet to investors.

World Investments Report 2020

The World Investment Report focuses on worldwide FDI (foreign direct investment) trends at the regional and country levels and emerging measures to improve their contribution to development. Recently the World Investment Report 2020 was released by UNCTAD (UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT). This was the 30th edition of the World Investment Report. In this report, India has gained its name in the list of top 10 countries. This report gives information about the FDI trend during 2019. According to the report, the country that received the most FDI in 2019 was the United States of America.  In 2019, India was the ninth largest country in the world to receive FDI. In 2019, India received foreign direct investment of $ 51 billion. Most of the investment was seen in the IT sector and construction industry. India ranked 12th with $ 42 billion direct investment in 2018. Investment in other countries by South Asia has increased by 6%. It's main reason is investment made by...

Medicine of Covid -19 ; Fabi Flu (Favipiravir 200mg)

Fabi flu is a medicine of Covid-19 (corona). Glenmark Pharmaceutical has launched the Fabi Flu drug for mild and moderate patients of Corona.  The real name of this drug is Favipiravir and brand name is Fabi Flu . Favipiravir is a  Generic version of avigan medicine. Which is used for influenza in Japan. This drug was developed in Japan in 2014. It was produced by the Fujifilm toyama Chemical of Japan. A study of this drug in Russia, Japan and China found that this drug is more effective in viral load and high fever. And now Fabi flu medicine has also been approved for patients of covid-19. The use of this medicine has also been approved in India. But for that, the doctor's prescription is necessary and the doctor will also have to take a letter of permission from the patient in written, before prescribing it. Means, doctors will tell the patients that, I want to prescribe Fabi flu medicine, do you want to take? If the patient answers yes in written, then only the doctor can...